Naturopathic Therapeutic Order

  1. Establish the conditions for health:
    • Identify and remove disturbing factors
    • Institute a more healthful regimen
  2. Stimulate the healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae): the self-healing processes, through low force methods such as constitutional hydrotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture
  3. Address weakened or damaged systems or organs (via botanical medicine, homeopathy, orthomolecular nutrients, glandulars, homeopathy, and other minimally invasive, safe, natural therapies)
    • Strengthen the immune system
    • Decrease toxicity
    • Normalize inflammatory function
    • Optimize metabolic function
    • Balance regulatory systems
    • Enhance regeneration
    • Harmonize life force
  4. Correct structural integrity
  5. Address pathology:
    • use specific natural substances, modalities, or interventions
    • use specific pharmacologic or synthetic substances
  6. Suppress or surgically remove pathology

Read this before coming in for your first time:



Healthy By Nature
3535 Cauhenga Blvd W # 206
Los Angeles, CA 90068

(310) 310-9717

Office Hours:

MON 10am - 6pm
TUES 10am - 6pm
WED 12pm - 8pm
THUR 10am - 6pm
FRI 9am - 5pm
SAT Closed
SUN Closed


Free parking is available on street level or in underground parking garage.  Take elevator to the 2nd floor.

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